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Middle East testimony

“After quarantine we went to play soccer with some Turkmen in another village. Afterwards, a friend took us to meet a Christian Turkmen at his home. While we were there, we talked about how many believers there are among the Turkmen in the Middle East. Nader, the Christian, expressed that he knew very few, and most were within his own family. We decided to pitch the idea to him that they could all come to his house and meet every week to talk about the Word. He agreed! Now every week we gather in his home, encourage him to invite whoever he wants, and discuss the Word together. Since that day, at least four people have come to know the Lord. Our friend has also become bold in sharing his faith. Persecution and lack of trust make these meetings difficult, but God made a way. And now, even when our team isn’t around, this group still meets to share the Word of God,”

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